Maggie is closing in on three years (6.10.06). Here are some recent pics.

Jean is just about the same size with the twins as she was when she gave birth to Maggie. We are eating boiled crawfish tomorrow, so I’m sure the near illegal salt concentration will push her over the mark. The twins are growing well. One is 5oz smaller and has been the whole time. I wonder how that will play out over the next 50 years. I say this because they are both girls. Yes, that’s 3 for 3 for me. I’m going to buy a stud Brahma bull and put him in the backyard in hopes I can offset the wall of estrogen that will be flowing from this house in the future. We have decided on names: Mia Helen & Hillary Elizabeth. Hillary is going to be one pissed of kindergartner during name writing sessions (Hillary Elizabeth Brasseaux). At least she will have a stronger handle on the alphabet than most kids.
I’m dangerously coming close to growing up, and worse, being sucked up into the suburbia nightmare. I have a neighbor that likes to catch me in the driveway and talk about yardwork & home improvement as much as possible. The killer is that I sometimes find myself interested in these bourgeois chatters. The zippy 6-speed Jetta has been traded in for a Mazda CX-9 with 3rd row; Jean’s Mazda Tribute for a mini-van.
It’s getting hot so I’m missing South Florida more. Being miserable in Deerfield Beach was better than being miserable in Bossier City.
Work wise, things have been on a even keel save for I’m doing less & less technical writing and more graphic design for both web & print media. I dig the mix because both can reach their bores. I did just acquire the total Adobe CS4 master collection. At times, I feel like those monkeys bouncing & grunting along the monolith the aliens dropped on them in Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey. The biggest thing to grasp is that Adobe wants you to work in a certain way as far as functionality & workflow. Universal hot keys aren’t so universal with them. Most annoying is they like to change the language on basic tasks. I’ve been learning XML on the fly and that hasn’t been as intimidating as I thought it would be. At the end of the day, XML or HTML is a language and is bound by its own inner logic and grammar. Much of it isn’t too far outside the boundaries of student writing I encountered.
That’s the catch up and hopefully I will post soon enough not to need any type of preamble. I have another blog I’ve been skinning and getting together that will be up soon. It’s going to be based solely on music. With the ability to listen to music all day, I’ve renewed an obsession that was dimming. But to build a solid music blog I needed to break out the Blogger templates to get some screen candy going. Once that is built, it should be up and updated much more regular than this boring one.
Cults are for losers. I knew you were a winner.
Imagine if someday Hillary Elizabeth marries, and hyphenates her last name. She may very well grow up to be a masochist.
Overall, I'm not one for bourgeois chatter, but I do agree that now I at least consider what before I would have dismissed as mindless capitalist prattle. So far, I've remained mostly immune because we have not yet taken that final anchoring plunge with the purchase of a home. However, we are currently in the research stages of trading in the Corolla for a more suitable family roller.
Hehe. Monkeys.
It sounds like you're getting into some pretty advanced crap there at the workplace. Are you still doing any writing that could change the world, or at least the academic study of literature?
On that, I've been thinking a lot lately about how much academics resemble ostriches in the sand. Is this the point in human existence where we all look away until the whole thing is over? Comments?
To be honest, writing (fictional) has been few & far between as well. I had tweaked some things for some pubs but totally spaced the due dates. I have, however, been in the research rooms sniffing around. That 80s history I always joked about at the pub is starting come along & somewhat forcibly. I just need to focus on one thing at a time.
So what are you doing with your Masta of f'hine harts?
Apparently the 80s is where it's at. It seems like fiction is stuck in the minimalism of all those 80s Carver and Munro stories. My moms got me the 2008 edition of Best American Short Stories, and so far most of them seem to be woe-is-me anti-dramas starring self-important suburbanites. There are a few stories that strike the fancy of the zimdog, but overall, I am not pleased with the static hum that is dramatic action these days.
With my MFA, I am doing some casual long-distance work for the planetarium, writing show scripts. With gobs of luck, they may someday get produced and run at the planetarium as educational tools covering the new Florida Education Sunshine Standards. It's pretty cool work, but that's where most of my writing time goes. There'll be no changing the world from me any time soon.
Yeah, it does seem like monotony continues to be the order of the guard which is warped considering that those are the things we wish to escape when we read. To me, it's like going to work to then come home and read about it. I'm in 'follow your bliss' mode right now. And what continues to persist for me is bad horror movies, the 80s (and on & on) bands that sing about those, and then all the new drugs of the era, the shift social psychology ala Regan, the cold war, and then the HIV terror of the last safe Hookers, psychos, Leatherface, cocaine, nuclear weapons & the Misfits. Sign me up.
Glad to see a bit from you again and to learn how Jean is doing with the twins. You are going to need more than a bull in the yard to offset all that estrogen. I am currently immersed in CS4 as well - trying to become a 'master' of the Master Collection.
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