Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Way to Close out the Year

Fast forward Thanksgiving to Xmas. Easily one of the better holidays with selling a 2 ½ old on all the nuances & mysteries surrounding Jolly Ol’ St. Nick. She was a tad disappointed, though, thinking Santa was supposed to hand deliver her doll house & tea sets in person. As usual, the rest went with a blur of food, drink, family & friends.

Then cometh the bonus gift of the year. A week or so before Christmas we found out we were pregnant with number two. Stemming back from the last pregnancy, we knew we always had potentially risky beginnings so we wouldn’t tell Maggie until we knew the ship was steady. The results from the first appointment were on the spot. The sack had formed, she was pregnant. Today we would go for the first big checkup, the check for fetus & heartbeat. It was there.

And so was another one. And then almost a third (an empty yoke sack).

So there it is. We are expecting fraternal twins. And if it is two more girls, may god have mercy on my soul.

What a year 2008 has turned out to be: a master’s degree, a 1,500 mile move, a change of profession, purchase of a brand new home & then we closed it out with a set of twins (and a near miss at triplets). What a year 2009 will be.

1 comment:

zimdog said...

After I sent word of Griffin's birth, Su texted a reply about the twins. Interesting.

Given the time of year, I wonder if maybe your wife's third, empty yoke sac represents the phantom third wiseman. Modern religious scholars now argue that one of the two confirmed wisemen may have continuously gone behind the manger to change costumes. The figure riding the third camel was a hay figure, and the conspiring wiseman is said to have brought both the frankincense and myrrh.

Best wishes to your family on the new additions.