Because the bureaucratic speed of the federal government hasn’t seemed to change since I was last employed by it, we have made plans to move back to Louisiana, likely Shreveport. We hope to be there by August 1st. It looks as though the fedjob process will take longer than expected, so I will need to find a filler. So it makes sense to take a filler job in an area where the cost of living is much lower. Biggest upshot is that Maggie is around the rest of the family for a while. Downside is that I actually hate to move, despite my track record. If the fedjobs pull through in the summer, those plans will be nulled. With my luck, they will call right after I get settled in Shreveport.
My office is cleaned out. All student work I’m not legally bound to hold onto has been trashed. All the grad work and thesis drafts are in a tub that weighs the same as rhinoceros. If nothing ever comes of my work, I think I can claim responsibility of at least some sort of environmental damage.
I received copies of my thesis via Lulu last week. Half the price of the university stuff and without that awful blue binding. Plus you can customize the cover through MS publisher, or Photoshop as I did:

Maggie was able to feed the ducklings at the pond yesterday. She almost caught a nip from the voracious warthead duck that flanked her during the feeding. These ducks remind of the seagulls in Finding Nemo, only dumber and more aggressive.
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